The pleasures of love Robertson Davies thesis
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Social Inequality Minorities Essay Example
Social Inequality Minorities Essay Social Inequality and Minorities in the United States In this course I have found out about a wide range of sorts of social issues in social orders the world over and in the United States, for example, neediness, social disparity, race and social separation, sex definition, ecological harm, populace development, and urbanization. I picked my last paper to be on Social Inequality and Minorities in the United States. For me this subject raises numerous purposes of our day by day life and carries us to the point of reality in our reality. My paper will talk about for what reason is abnormality found in all social orders? How does who and what are characterized as degenerate reflect social disparity? What impact has discipline had in lessening wrongdoing in the United States? Let’s start off with what are social imbalances and what is minorities? Social imbalance alludes to an absence of social correspondence, where people in a general public don't have equivalent societal position. Regions of potential social imbalance incorporate democratic rights, the right to speak freely of discourse and get together, the degree of property rights and access to training, medicinal services and other social products. Disparity is socially made by coordinating two various types of procedures. The social jobs in the public arena are first coordinated to ‘reward packages’ of inconsistent worth and individual citizenry are then apportioned to the positions so characterized and rewarded†Social imbalance is unique in relation to financial disparity however the two imbalances are connected. Mon etary imbalance alludes to inconsistencies in the circulation of financial resources and salary. While monetary disparity is brought about by the inconsistent dispersion of riches, social imbalance exists in light of the fact that the absence of riches in specific zones disallows these individuals from getting a similar lodging, human services, and so forth s the well off in social orders where access to these social merchandise relies upon riches. â€Å"The level of imbalance in a given prize or resource depends, obviously, on its scattering or fixation over the people in the population†. (Word reference. com) I likewise feel monetary imbalances works out in a good way for these models before I go further†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Economic imbalance alludes to variations in the conveyance of financial resources and salary. We will compose a custom article test on Social Inequality Minorities explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Social Inequality Minorities explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Social Inequality Minorities explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The term ordinarily alludes to disparity among people and gatherings inside a general public, however can likewise allude to imbalance among countries. Financial Inequality for the most part alludes to uniformity of result, and is identified with the possibility of balance of chance. It is a challenged issue whether monetary disparity is a positive or negative marvel, both on utilitarian and good grounds. Monetary imbalance has existed in a wide scope of social orders and chronicled periods; its inclination, cause and significance are available to expansive discussion. A countrys financial structure or framework (for instance, private enterprise or communism), progressing or past wars, and contrasts in people capacities to make riches are totally associated with the making of monetary imbalance. The presence of various sexual orientations, races and societies inside a general public is additionally thought to add to financial imbalance. A few analysts, for example, Richard Lynn contend that there are natural gathering contrasts in capacity that are halfway liable for creating race and sexual orientation bunch contrasts in riches (see additionally race and knowledge, sex and insight) however this statement is exceptionally disputable. The possibility of the sexual orientation hole attempts to clarify contrasts in salary between sexes. Culture and religion are thought to assume a job in making imbalance by either promising or demoralizing riches gaining conduct, and by giving a premise to segregation. In numerous nations people having a place with certain racial and ethnic minorities are bound to be poor. Proposed causes incorporate social contrasts among various races, an instructive accomplishment hole, and prejudice. Presently let’s investigate minorities’ definition as I suspected was the most ideal approach to depict as a minority or subordinate gathering is a sociological gathering that doesn't establish a politically predominant democratic lion's share of the absolute populace of a given society. A sociological minority isn't really a numerical minority †it might incorporate any gathering that is burdened regarding a prevailing gathering as far as economic wellbeing, training, business, riches and political influence. To keep away from disarray, a few journalists lean toward the terms subordinate gathering and prevailing gathering instead of minority and dominant part, individually. In economics, the term minority ordinarily alludes to a socially subjection ethnic gathering (comprehended as far as language, nationality, religion as well as culture). Other minority bunches incorporate individuals with handicaps, financial minorities (working poor or jobless), age minorities (who are more youthful or more established than an average working age) and sexual minorities. The term minority bunch regularly happens nearby a talk of social equality and aggregate rights which picked up noticeable quality in the twentieth century. Individuals from minority bunches are inclined to various treatment in the nations and social orders in which they live. This separation might be legitimately founded on a people apparent participation of a minority gathering, without thought of that people individual accomplishment. It might likewise happen by implication, because of social structures that are not similarly open to all. Activists crusading on a scope of issues may utilize the language of minority rights, including understudy rights, buyer rights and basic entitlements. As of late, a few individuals from social gatherings customarily saw as predominant have endeavored to introduce themselves as a mistreated minority, for example, white, working class hetero guys. Each enormous society contains ethnic minorities. They might be transient, indigenous or landless roaming networks. In certain spots, subordinate ethnic gatherings may establish a numerical greater part, for example, Blacks in South Africa under politically-sanctioned racial segregation. Global criminal law can secure the privileges of racial or ethnic minorities in various manners; the privilege to self-assurance is a key issue. (Word reference. com) As a significant number of us know social imbalances and minorities are the segregation of our reality. We class and judge a wide range of minorities; despite the fact that we as a whole realize we ought not we despite everything scrutinize others erroneously and critically. Treatment or thought dependent on class or classification as opposed to singular legitimacy; inclination or partiality: racial segregation. Lamentably this is something that Americans manage each day. Climate it is at school, at work or even in an open space, racial segregation has been frequenting our country for many years at this point. There are numerous components that go into deciding the way a people life may take; the most huge of these is the social class into which the person in question is conceived. Each advanced society has a class society. Every one of these social orders has based its human advancement, its way of life, its innovation, on the mistreatment of the lion's share by a minority. Class is crucially significant in understanding social imbalances endured universally by the races which involve our reality, yet in addition it expands all the more explicitly into the various ethnicities which include a race. For what reason is abnormality found in all social orders? In spite of the fact that we will in general view abnormality as the free decision or individual failings of people, all behaviorâ€deviance just as conformityâ€is formed by society. Aberrance changes as per social standards. No idea or activity is characteristically degenerate; it gets freak just corresponding to specific standards. Around the globe, abnormality is significantly progressively differing Albania bans any open presentation of strict confidence, for example, â€Å"crossing†oneself; Cuba and Vietnam can indict residents for meeting with outsiders; Malaysia doesn't permit tight-fitting pants for ladies; police in Iran can capture a lady basically for wearing cosmetics. Individuals become degenerate as others characterize them that way. Everybody disregards social standards one after another or another. For instance, have you at any point strolled around conversing with yourself or â€Å"borrowed†a pen from your working environment? Regardless of whether such conduct characterizes us as criminal or intellectually sick relies upon how others see, characterize, and react to it. The two standards and the manner in which individuals characterize circumstances include social force. The law is the methods by which influential individuals ensure their inclinations. A vagrant who remains on a city intersection taking a stand in opposition to the administration dangers capture for upsetting the harmony; a mayoral up-and-comer during a political race does the very same thing and gets police insurance. To put it plainly, standards and how we apply them reflect social imbalance. How does who and what are characterized as degenerate reflect social disparity? The social-clash approach joins abnormality to social disparity. That is, who or what is named â€Å"deviant†relies upon which classes of individuals hold power in a general public. Social-clash hypothesis clarifies this example in three different ways. Initially, all standards and particularly the laws of any general public by and large mirror the premiums of the rich and incredible. Individuals who undermine the well off, either by taking their property or by pushing for a progressively libertarian culture, are named â€Å"common thieves†or â€Å"political radicals. Karl Marx, a significant planner of the social-clash approach, contended that the law (and every single social establishment) underpins the premiums of the rich; or as Richard Quinney puts it, â€Å"Capitalist justic
Sunday, August 23, 2020
11 Body Language Mistakes Youre Making in Your Interview
11 Body Language Mistakes Youre Making in Your Interview We’re all apprehensive going into prospective employee meet-ups. Also, a great deal of times anxiety has an amusing method of crawling into our non-verbal communication in manners we don’t plan. Inconvenience is, questioners aren’t anxious, so every non-verbal communication violation of social norms is considerably more glaring to them. Here are 11â body language mistakesâ to keep an eye out for while preparing for your interview.1. Lip bitingAn restless propensity that can be perused as an indication of double dealing or even as a lewd gesture. Avoid!2. Quick Head MovementThis is straight out of the built up rundown of things to keep an eye out for in liars. Attempt to keep your head still when being posed an inquiry, and not move it quickly after.3. Mouth CoveringThis can pass on your hesitance to respond to the inquiry. Make an effort not to cover your mouth except if you wheeze or hack, at any rate while you’re in the hot seat.4. StiffnessAt a simila r time, attempt to abstain from being excessively still. You’ll look somewhat unbalanced, constrained, or even as if you’re attempting to overcompensate for your deceptive nature with your quietness. Act natural!5. PointingWe all signal. Furthermore, that’s fine-normal even. In any case, pointing, particularly legitimately or forcefully, is regularly viewed as discourteous or deflective.6. Covering UpIf you will in general spread defenseless or delicate body parts when you’re anxious, this is a propensity to look out for. Regardless of whether it’s regular to feel powerless, you should make an effort not to show it too unmistakably. You don’t need to be seen as having anything to hide.7. Uneven Eye ContactIt’s pivotal to keep up a suitable degree of eye to eye connection not all that much (bizarre) and not very little (conniving/obscure). Attempt to find some kind of harmony and maintain a strategic distance from boundaries in either direction.8. MicroexpressionsIf you’re inclined to these brief moment appearances or moment little eye moves, best to attempt to hold them under tight restraints, in case your questioner see and misunderstand the idea.9. Counterfeit SmilesBetter not to grin large and beautiful in the event that you can’t do it without seeming fake. In the event that you can’t make your entire face look glad, not simply your grin, at that point individuals will see and accept you’re brimming with it. Be as real and positive as possible.10. Physical BarriersDon’t place physical bars among you and your questioner for example your handbag, a menu, your telephone, your jacket. Stay open. On the off chance that you don’t, your questioner may accept you’re attempting to stay away for whatever reason.11. Shallow BreathsTry to keep your breathing quiet and even. Substantial, shallow breaths are regularly credited as a run of the mill conduct of liars. Don†™t get lumped into that classification due to nerves!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay Topics on Analogy Essays
Essay Topics on Analogy EssaysThere are many resources available to you that will help you with your essay on analogy essays, but not all of them will be the same. It is important that you understand what topics are considered and what is acceptable.A lot of the essay topics that people write include the world. People will usually start their essay by describing the specific place they are in when they are reading the essay. They will also explain what is new to them about the subject. This makes it easier for the person to organize their thoughts.One way that a person uses one analogy to make an argument is by using it again. For example, if a person explains how three bottles of wine are similar to a bottle of brandy. They will use the analogy multiple times. This makes it easier for the reader to think of the different aspects of the comparison.There are a lot of analogies essay topics that include marriage. Most people who write an essay on this topic are going to state their vie ws on the topic and then describe their views on the topic. Then they will look at why some things are considered marriage and some things are not.One thing that is commonly seen is that a person who was once a person who was very critical of the marriage situation will most likely state that they did not have any views on the topic. However, they may state their view on the topic for each of the specific points that were mentioned. This makes it very easy for a reader to know what you mean by every point.Relationships are also a common topic to see. A person who is writing an essay on this topic will list the things that they have experienced and what the relationships are like between those experiences. This will often include a description of what the two people in the relationship are doing. It is important to note that this is often done in the past tense.The relationships that are listed will typically be relationships that were created in the present. This will include partne rships that are long-term or romantic relationships. These include marriages.Many people who write an essay on this topic will end the essay by saying that they do not know. This is true. There are many factors that go into these types of essays. You should be prepared before you start writing and you should be ready to answer any questions that readers may have about your essay on analogy essays.
Friday, August 21, 2020
POLITICAL ECONOMY OF THE SINGLE EUROPEAN MARKET - Essay Example 195 billion financial plan was set up by the European Union with the end goal of Structural Funds from the time of January 01, 2000 to December 21, 2006. This distribution of the financial plan was utilized in various divisions, particularly the vehicle area, and less fortunate districts of the mainland were bolstered and coordinated with various creating plans of these basic assets. Then again, the spending plan for the Cohesion Fund was distributed to the measure of 18 billion, which was additionally utilized for various plans and assignments in the European Union. (Halkier, 2004) In such manner, the significant measure of the European Union's subsidizing is spent on the Structural Funds, and the greater part of European Union's financing is made up these auxiliary and attachment reserves. Moreover, the Common Agricultural Policy is additionally remembered for the main part of European Union's subsidizing alongside the previously mentioned reserves. (Artis, 2006) The regions and locales of the European landmass, which are under the weight of different troubles are helped and bolstered by the European Union's Structural Funds. The decay of the neighborhood European industry could be the explanation of these troubles. Else, decrease of homestead wages because of the decrease in ware costs could likewise be answerable for the lacking of assets to these areas. (Evans, 1999) In the outcome, support ventures are helped and bolstered by these auxiliary assets, by which, privately distinguished necessities would be tended to legitimately by it. A portion of the support extends that are fun by the auxiliary assets are credited to prepare neighborhood individuals with various aptitudes, which may help them in building their vocations, or help them in setting-up their new organizations. Fundamentally, there are two destinations of the European Union's Structural Funds. Right off the bat, the locales with absence of improvement are upgraded and progressed by the change of basic assets, which help in advancing advancement in these zones. For the most part, the falling behind regions are upheld in the principal goal of the European Union's Structural Funds. Besides, neighborhoods are seen as confronting auxiliary challenges are changed over socially and financially by the help of these basic assets. The social and financial change is done so that regions are furnished with various creating openings, which help them in creating and propelling themselves and their territories. (Evans, 1999) Another goal was respected in the auxiliary assets of the European Union. In such manner, instruction, work, just as, the preparation frameworks and approaches of the European locales are adjusted and modernized by the help and coordination of the basic assets and their diverse arranging and usage of various tasks in these zones. In all these three goals, the vehicle area has been explicitly given a noteworthy significance in the subsidizing of these basic assets by the European Union. Be that as it may, outside the particular territories of the main goal of the basic assets, the fisheries segment is additionally being rebuilt by the usage of an exceptional plan. Furthermore, the European Union is seeing the implementatio
John Howard Griffin :: Biography Biographies
John Howard Griffin The dark man in the Deep South of America was enormously detested during the 1950’s. The world that the Negroes lived in was not equivalent to whites in their general public. In this book, John Howard Griffin Sacrifices his life as a working class white man and turns into a down and out Negro, attempting to make due in the South. He basically did the entirety of this so as to draw out reality with regards to what it is truly and genuinely prefer to be a Negro in the South during the 1950’s. John Howard Griffin is a white writer with a spouse and three youngsters. He started his task of being a Negro, while he was perusing a graph about self destruction rates. This diagram showed that the Southern Negro man had a quickly expanding pace of self destruction, since they couldn't consider a to be to go on as the peasants that they had gotten because of their skin shading. The whites believed that the Negroes had it made since they had given them â€Å"so much†during recreation. Griffin understood that the best way to truly observe reality with regards to what the Negroes needed to suffer from everyday was to turn into a â€Å"Negro†himself. While Griffin was anticipating preferences against himself as a Negro, he went into his task with a receptive outlook attempting to find reality. He observed all the partialities of whites against and took in thought any demonstrations of graciousness. Thusly Griffin’s diary was direct and unprejudiced. Griffin’s fundamental objective recorded as a hard copy this diary was to break the hole among blacks and whites. He was doing whatever it takes not to thoroughly irritate whites, yet mindful them of their shameful acts towards the Negroes. The way that he composed his entire experience as a diary plainly shows his goals. He went into the universe of the below average Negro, worked a straight out record of each occasion that occurred by composing a diary. At that point the peruser saw what his experience resembled and trusted it all the more so since it was in a diary arrangement rather than a story arrangement. The whole methodology of Griffin’s investigate was bright, imaginative, and even somewhat brave. Very few individuals might want to encounter that extraordinary difference in way of life. Anyway it was a proficient method of finding exactly what it resembled to be a dark man in the 1950’s.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Yahoo Loosing Market Essay - 4950 Words
Yahoo Loosing Market (Essay Sample) Content: Yahoo steadily losing market: Case AnalysisName:Institution:Course:Instructor:12/03/2013Executive SummaryYahoo has developed from an ordinary search service into a global Internet communications, business and media company that offers a wide range of branded services and information to a large number of individuals globally. It is one of the most renowned brands on the Internet and one of the leading companies in terms of traffic, advertisements and household and business reach. Yahoo offers a range of supporting services that add value ranging from e-mail services, stock quotes among others in a single location. The companys primary competitors in the internet information providers industry are Google, AOL, and MSN. All these competitors define themselves differently despite being in line with the same sector in terms of investment and target market.The company is facing a number of key problems, which include stiff competition from competitors such as Google Inc. Go ogle has experienced a spectacular rise in search within its advertisement platform. In comparison to yahoo, Google search advertisements make about 99% of their total revenue; something that yahoo could have done but were unable to accomplish (Gabbert, 2012). Yahoo is the leading website in terms of internet traffic. In fact, the company accounts for most page viewers, who rely on yahoo in comparison to other companies. The company has established an all inclusive yahoo intended to capitalize on the traffic by adverting deals and partnerships. Identifying the various needs of the various market segments is key to the companys marketing strategy. The company also creates a good image for itself by utilizing indigenous personnel for their staffing in their international offices. Besides, it has developed a world-class marketing, which utilizes at least 20 different languages to develop a competitive edge over their competitors.In order to overcome its troubles, the Company should foc us on new product development and brand image and develop new pricing incentives to attract advertisers. Besides, the company should customize its products to each part of the globe while putting in consideration the demographics of the audience. They should also adopt an effective promotion strategy to ensure they have an impact.Problem statementYahoo has grown to the level of the leading search engines on the world web. Among the problems common in the company include the search results (Google generates twice as much revenues as yahoo search results), decreasing advertisements due to competitors Google and the increase in the strength of competitors. The companys troubles began through the economic recession as people found it inevitable to minimize their spending.By mid 2000s, the faltering economy due to the dot com crash, landed the company in a bad position. In fact, its stock prices fell by 80% during that year (Yahoo! Inc Profile. (2007)). Also driving 80% of its revenues f rom online advertising sales, the company felt significant impact, which affected its revenues significantly. This paper analyzes Yahoo Company and gives recommendations on the steps the company should take to overcome its challenges and enhance its sustainability and competitiveness going into the future.The problems of this case are the problems faced by the yahoo company. This includes steep competition from its competitors like Google, low income turnout due to decrease in the advertisement level. The advertisement decrease is caused by competition from other companies that offer better services or akin to yahoo. Therefore, this case study will try to explore this problems their base cause and solutions to them.Target marketYahoo as a search engine employs vast variety of method which is highly targeting customers who enter the site. This due to the assumption that many people enter the search engine and become interested in different kinds of revises they offer like free emails and data storage space. Therefore, yahoos target market is created business advertisers for they have a well designed searchable data base the favors large business and thus attracting all modes of media promotions both paid and free (Bertrand, 2013). In essence, Yahoos targets include those surfers searching for content through their search engines as well as the advertisers that seek to reach out to the large number of traffic on these sites (Albanesius, 2009).This expansion made Yahoo become an internet giant by 2000. According to the case, the company derives 80% of its revenues from online advertising sales.SegmentationWhile most internet companies focused their promotions on existing internet users, Yahoo adopted traditional offline media. This move was vital in yahoo brand building strategy. It aimed at influencing those people who were not frequent Internet users but were most likely to use Internet in the near future (Andrew, 2008). This target group represented a large gr owing number. For the sake of reaching this target group, Yahoo focused on promotions by use of public relations, TV and radio commercials. For it, survival in the market yahoo has segmented itself into several segments. Communication segments provide internet communication like yahoo mail and yahoo messenger. It email service offers large volume of storage space a situation which has seen an influx of different people in its website looking for space to store their electronic stuff. Yahoo communication department also provides a social network services like blogs among others. Yahoo provides content through partnerships with different content partners. This is also in cooperated with personalized services, which feed users with vast kind of information. The mobile segment offered by yahoo provided instant messaging together with information service, alerts and searches. Other segments of yahoo include yahoo commerce, small business, and advertising and yahoo search engines.Bran ding items and CompetitionAccording to the case study, the company had the potential to reinvent and reinvigorate its advertising. It had a unique ability to measure and track who clicked on an ad and how they interacted with it. However, an accusation had emerged that the company had neglected the needs of corporate marketers. Yahoo faces great competition from Google Inc. In one, occasion, Yahoo received a takeover bid from Microsoft Corporation, which is the world's largest software company. Google has established their name as synonymous with Internet search. They also have marketing strategies that focus on the consumer in a more unique manner than Yahoo.The companys business model comprises its content, search, market community and personalization. This is different from that of competitors such as Google whose business model is totally different since it focuses on advertising for profits. Karen (2002) notes that Google offers better features than Yahoo for it include the tr anslation pool, maps and Gmail among others. These features differ from Yahoos.To remain competitive, the company should be distinct; there should be an extra incentive about their business that makes the customers thinks again before going to the other competitors. This includes everything that they would miss if they chose another company in Yahoos place (McWilliam, 2000).From the case study, it is evident that the company had a unique ability to measure and tracks the visitors who clicked on an advertisement and how they interacted with it. With over 18 million active registered users, Yahoo could boast of knowing the habits of consumers more than any other portal. This allowed yahoo an upper hand in attracting brand advertising (Case Study).As one among the most successful brands on the internet and the first online navigational web guide, Yahoo reaps the benefits of a fast mover. This has been possible through their persistent investment in new services and partnerships with ot her leading brands. These alliances have afforded the end-user with added value while also associating the company with well known brands (Hagel Armstrong, 1997). The companys consistency in addressing customer needs and a high quality online experience has been vital in building a reputation of excellence for the company.Promotion analysisThe companys main marketing approach is evident in the continuous product development and market management. It ensures each market segment gets the best services. Yahoo has received credit for its brand-building ability and promotion strategies to create awareness. According to the intelligent survey, 82% of internet users and 23% of individuals intending to go online are aware of the existence of Yahoo (Hoffman Novak, 2000). The company has also recently merged the management of their marketing services with their search services to avail services to customersAccording to the case, Yahoo made tremendous lead in attracting brand advertising by taking advantage of the shift in media consumption and using it to benefit from its over 181 million active registered users. For instance, it teamed up with the radio giant Clear Channel in a distribution and promotional deal that aims at expanding the companys strategy of acquiring content and sharing deals with traditional media brands.Shamise (2005) acknowledges that, Yahoos response to customers queries through emails and fax is a significant boost for their business to fulfill the customers' satisfaction. This strengthens the brand-customer relationship while positively making an impact on their reputation as quality service providers. This, together with their encouragement to their customers to email ideas and feedback, maintains close contact with them.Pricing StrategyThe company off... Yahoo Loosing Market Essay - 4950 Words Yahoo Loosing Market (Essay Sample) Content: Yahoo steadily losing market: Case AnalysisName:Institution:Course:Instructor:12/03/2013Executive SummaryYahoo has developed from an ordinary search service into a global Internet communications, business and media company that offers a wide range of branded services and information to a large number of individuals globally. It is one of the most renowned brands on the Internet and one of the leading companies in terms of traffic, advertisements and household and business reach. Yahoo offers a range of supporting services that add value ranging from e-mail services, stock quotes among others in a single location. The companys primary competitors in the internet information providers industry are Google, AOL, and MSN. All these competitors define themselves differently despite being in line with the same sector in terms of investment and target market.The company is facing a number of key problems, which include stiff competition from competitors such as Google Inc. Go ogle has experienced a spectacular rise in search within its advertisement platform. In comparison to yahoo, Google search advertisements make about 99% of their total revenue; something that yahoo could have done but were unable to accomplish (Gabbert, 2012). Yahoo is the leading website in terms of internet traffic. In fact, the company accounts for most page viewers, who rely on yahoo in comparison to other companies. The company has established an all inclusive yahoo intended to capitalize on the traffic by adverting deals and partnerships. Identifying the various needs of the various market segments is key to the companys marketing strategy. The company also creates a good image for itself by utilizing indigenous personnel for their staffing in their international offices. Besides, it has developed a world-class marketing, which utilizes at least 20 different languages to develop a competitive edge over their competitors.In order to overcome its troubles, the Company should foc us on new product development and brand image and develop new pricing incentives to attract advertisers. Besides, the company should customize its products to each part of the globe while putting in consideration the demographics of the audience. They should also adopt an effective promotion strategy to ensure they have an impact.Problem statementYahoo has grown to the level of the leading search engines on the world web. Among the problems common in the company include the search results (Google generates twice as much revenues as yahoo search results), decreasing advertisements due to competitors Google and the increase in the strength of competitors. The companys troubles began through the economic recession as people found it inevitable to minimize their spending.By mid 2000s, the faltering economy due to the dot com crash, landed the company in a bad position. In fact, its stock prices fell by 80% during that year (Yahoo! Inc Profile. (2007)). Also driving 80% of its revenues f rom online advertising sales, the company felt significant impact, which affected its revenues significantly. This paper analyzes Yahoo Company and gives recommendations on the steps the company should take to overcome its challenges and enhance its sustainability and competitiveness going into the future.The problems of this case are the problems faced by the yahoo company. This includes steep competition from its competitors like Google, low income turnout due to decrease in the advertisement level. The advertisement decrease is caused by competition from other companies that offer better services or akin to yahoo. Therefore, this case study will try to explore this problems their base cause and solutions to them.Target marketYahoo as a search engine employs vast variety of method which is highly targeting customers who enter the site. This due to the assumption that many people enter the search engine and become interested in different kinds of revises they offer like free emails and data storage space. Therefore, yahoos target market is created business advertisers for they have a well designed searchable data base the favors large business and thus attracting all modes of media promotions both paid and free (Bertrand, 2013). In essence, Yahoos targets include those surfers searching for content through their search engines as well as the advertisers that seek to reach out to the large number of traffic on these sites (Albanesius, 2009).This expansion made Yahoo become an internet giant by 2000. According to the case, the company derives 80% of its revenues from online advertising sales.SegmentationWhile most internet companies focused their promotions on existing internet users, Yahoo adopted traditional offline media. This move was vital in yahoo brand building strategy. It aimed at influencing those people who were not frequent Internet users but were most likely to use Internet in the near future (Andrew, 2008). This target group represented a large gr owing number. For the sake of reaching this target group, Yahoo focused on promotions by use of public relations, TV and radio commercials. For it, survival in the market yahoo has segmented itself into several segments. Communication segments provide internet communication like yahoo mail and yahoo messenger. It email service offers large volume of storage space a situation which has seen an influx of different people in its website looking for space to store their electronic stuff. Yahoo communication department also provides a social network services like blogs among others. Yahoo provides content through partnerships with different content partners. This is also in cooperated with personalized services, which feed users with vast kind of information. The mobile segment offered by yahoo provided instant messaging together with information service, alerts and searches. Other segments of yahoo include yahoo commerce, small business, and advertising and yahoo search engines.Bran ding items and CompetitionAccording to the case study, the company had the potential to reinvent and reinvigorate its advertising. It had a unique ability to measure and track who clicked on an ad and how they interacted with it. However, an accusation had emerged that the company had neglected the needs of corporate marketers. Yahoo faces great competition from Google Inc. In one, occasion, Yahoo received a takeover bid from Microsoft Corporation, which is the world's largest software company. Google has established their name as synonymous with Internet search. They also have marketing strategies that focus on the consumer in a more unique manner than Yahoo.The companys business model comprises its content, search, market community and personalization. This is different from that of competitors such as Google whose business model is totally different since it focuses on advertising for profits. Karen (2002) notes that Google offers better features than Yahoo for it include the tr anslation pool, maps and Gmail among others. These features differ from Yahoos.To remain competitive, the company should be distinct; there should be an extra incentive about their business that makes the customers thinks again before going to the other competitors. This includes everything that they would miss if they chose another company in Yahoos place (McWilliam, 2000).From the case study, it is evident that the company had a unique ability to measure and tracks the visitors who clicked on an advertisement and how they interacted with it. With over 18 million active registered users, Yahoo could boast of knowing the habits of consumers more than any other portal. This allowed yahoo an upper hand in attracting brand advertising (Case Study).As one among the most successful brands on the internet and the first online navigational web guide, Yahoo reaps the benefits of a fast mover. This has been possible through their persistent investment in new services and partnerships with ot her leading brands. These alliances have afforded the end-user with added value while also associating the company with well known brands (Hagel Armstrong, 1997). The companys consistency in addressing customer needs and a high quality online experience has been vital in building a reputation of excellence for the company.Promotion analysisThe companys main marketing approach is evident in the continuous product development and market management. It ensures each market segment gets the best services. Yahoo has received credit for its brand-building ability and promotion strategies to create awareness. According to the intelligent survey, 82% of internet users and 23% of individuals intending to go online are aware of the existence of Yahoo (Hoffman Novak, 2000). The company has also recently merged the management of their marketing services with their search services to avail services to customersAccording to the case, Yahoo made tremendous lead in attracting brand advertising by taking advantage of the shift in media consumption and using it to benefit from its over 181 million active registered users. For instance, it teamed up with the radio giant Clear Channel in a distribution and promotional deal that aims at expanding the companys strategy of acquiring content and sharing deals with traditional media brands.Shamise (2005) acknowledges that, Yahoos response to customers queries through emails and fax is a significant boost for their business to fulfill the customers' satisfaction. This strengthens the brand-customer relationship while positively making an impact on their reputation as quality service providers. This, together with their encouragement to their customers to email ideas and feedback, maintains close contact with them.Pricing StrategyThe company off...
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Student Perspectives Structure and Style for Students Noah’s View
Jan 22 2020 One of Andrew Pudewa’s Structure and Style for Students (SSS) high school students was Noah. At fifteen years of age, Noah arrived at his first SSS with little writing experience, feeling less than pleased to be there. Still, he approached the class with an open mind. What he didn’t realize at the onset of this experience was that very shortly he would come to discover that he actually loves writing. He just needed to learn concrete ways to structure his writing and to be taught how to insert style, using the Structure and Style method. Having the opportunity to learn from the master teacher Andrew Pudewa himself was simply icing on the cake.  IEW: How did you find out about the SSS? Noah: My mom found out through one of her friends that they were looking for students to be in a recorded class, and my mom really wanted me to learn to write with Structure and Style. She wanted me to take an IEW class before I graduated from high school. She felt it was the best way to learn how to write, and she wanted me to be able to write for college. So I was going to do an IEW class one way or another, and she felt it would be best for me to actually do it with Mr. Pudewa directly in order to learn from the master. IEW: How did you feel about that? Noah: I wasn’t thrilled. Until I was about halfway through the SSS, I despised writing. It was my least favorite thing. It wasn’t uncommon for my mom or me to end up in tears at the end of a writing lesson, and then the idea of this being recorded and someone somehow watching my misery one day wasn’t appealing. IEW: So you went into this experience with fear and trepidation and perhaps a little bit of old-fashioned resistance, but you still went! Tell me about your first experience meeting Mr. Pudewa. Noah: It was kind of nerve-wracking. A few years ago I didn’t do so well meeting new people, and this was a whole new environment, where I only knew a couple of other folks in the class, so this all made it kind of overwhelming. But after the first couple of weeks, it was a lot of fun. IEW: What made it so fun? Noah: Partly it was that I became more comfortable, so I wasn’t going into class automatically thinking, Oh, this is going to be a terrible day. Also, Mr. Pudewa is very engaging. He’s an excellent teacher, and he is teaching things that I hadn’t known before. I was able to see that week upon week my writing was getting a little bit better and a little less hard. IEW: Reflecting back on your experience in SSS, what is one thing that you learned that has made your writing better? Noah: Learning how to plan and structure what I was going to write rather than just being told, â€Å"Write something.†Learning the structure of the various units really helped. IEW: What were your thoughts about adding in the stylistic techniques? Noah: I wasn’t sure about it at first. I didn’t think that it would make a huge difference, and especially at first when we got into sentence openers, a lot of it felt really forced because I wasn’t used to it. And because it felt forced, it didn’t sound good. And I thought this is making my writing sound worse, not better. But with repetition came a smoothness to it, and suddenly I found that instead of having to work in every sentence opener because I’d only written all #1 sentences, I had naturally worked in a #2 and a #5 and was even able to write in a #4 automatically as well. My writing was no longer forced. It was natural. IEW: Do you have a favorite lesson that you can reflect back on? Noah: I can’t really say that I have a favorite lesson really, but I can share a favorite memory. It is one of the first times I had managed to do a #4 opener and have it sound excellent because they were the hardest ones for me to do. Just being able to write one and have it sound natural, like it belonged, was great. Or actually maybe even better than that would be comparing my first and final papers taken from the beginning and the end of the year. Seeing not only the quantitative difference but also the qualitative difference was really satisfying. IEW: If you had one word that you would use to describe Mr. Pudewa, what would it be? Noah: Approachable. It kind of combines a couple of other adjectives I’d want to use to describe him. IEW: Go ahead and share those too, if you don’t mind. Noah: He’s personable, and he’s an excellent teacher, so he can explain things and make them make sense really easily, and he’s also a really nice and fun guy. He would always start off the beginning of each class with a joke, and that would make everyone get relaxed and ready. It wasn’t like he was standing there saying, â€Å"Here we are. We’re going to learn. We’re going to follow the textbook†and nothing else. IEW: What are your future plans? You’re now sixteen, so you’ve still got a bit more school to get through before you have to decide. Noah: I’m not sure yet what I want to do. I want to be an audio engineer someday eventually. And for something like that, a college degree possibly isn’t necessary although it might be helpful. So I’m starting to look at whether I need to go to college, or if it is something that will just generally not be helpful to me. IEW: You know one thing I know you’re going to need? Excellent communication skills, no matter what you do. And I think you’ve really learned a lot over the past couple of years. Would you do it all over again? Noah: Definitely! Despite his initial reservations about attending the SSS writing class, Noah decided to keep an open mind, and to his delight he found that writing isn’t something to fear and avoid after all. Sometimes it simply takes learning in a way that makes sense, that is clear, and that is taught by someone who thoroughly knows the subject. That someone is Andrew Pudewa. We are gratified that we are able to offer the same class that Noah attended, now as a video-based course. To learn more about Structure and Style for Students, click on this link. The Level C high school course will be released in late spring of this year.  Jennifer Mauser has always loved reading and writing and received a B.A. in English from the University of Kansas in 1991. Once she and her husband had children, they decided to homeschool, and she put all her training to use in the home. In addition to homeschooling her children, Jennifer teaches IEW classes out of her home, coaches budding writers via email, and tutors students who struggle with dyslexia.
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